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Artist's Photography Statement

Working with photography has taught me that it is full of uniqueness, creativity, and personality. Just like graphic design, the goal of photography is to portray an image with visual information. Seeing how other people work with photography has allowed me to gain insight and inspiration for future projects. No matter what experience the person taking the photo has, I have learned and taken inspiration from all sorts of levels of photography. For example, after speaking with intermediate photographers from my photography class, I have learned that the longer someone looks at a photo, the more someone can gather messages from it. The meaning may not be so obvious or precise, but rather taking time to study an image may make someone else realize there's more to the image than at first glance. This has shaped me into taking more pictures with depth and having messages within both the foreground and background. The use of depth and uncommon angles is what makes my work unique. I try to take my pictures of common subject matters, from an uncommon perspective, to send a unique message to my viewers. My pictures convey that perspectives can simply alter a subject and its meanings. Photography has overall given me new perspectives of design.

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